On 15th June 2016, the Castlecrag Progress Association (CPA) hosted a meeting to update the community on the current status of The Haven project and to advance the rebuild of the Stage.
Melanie Smith from Willoughby City Council (WCC) addressed the meeting and confirmed that:
Council resolved to ''provide a maximum allocation of $544,000 in 2017/2018 subject to matching dollar-for-dollar from community donations and grants. The project and funding will be allocated within the Long Term Financial Plan for 2017/2018.''
Council is on track to lodge the DA by end-June.
A hazardous materials survey identified no problems and the existing stage will be demolished by end-August.
Council was applying for a $100,000 heritage grant toward the Haven project with a result expected by early 2017.
Representatives from all five community groups and the Haven Amphitheatre Committee (HAC) were present and were united in their support for design option 1A.
[Note: When asked to clarify the first point above, the WCC General Manager, Debra Just, advised in an email that "Despite the current WCC's intent......a 100% guarantee that a future WCC Council or merged entity will fulfil that commitment to this project or any other planned future project is not possible. Councils are able to change their decisions by way of a later decision." ]
Councillor Rachel Hill then shared her extensive fundraising experience and ideas with the meeting. She stressed that:
Council commitment to rebuilding the stage is dependent on external dollar-for-dollar funding.
$500,000 is a large sum to raise. A focussed, united fundraising effort is required.
Council is working to obtain tax deductible status for donations towards the Haven project via an amended Civic Trust by December.
Councillor Hill emphasised that BOTH an approved DA and tax deductible status for donations are needed to maximise the return before launching a formal fundraising campaign.
Various positive fundraising suggestions were canvassed.
FOH now await Willoughby City Council:
to obtain formal approval for the DA, and
to establish tax deductibility for donations
so that successful funding activities can begin.